3. 1 March 2018.

Embracing the Dark ~ Sananda, 1 March 2018.

My dearest friends,

Today I would like to reveal a higher dimensional concept that may be unsettling and even a little hard to accept, for most of you reading this. You are now ready for the higher truth that is about to be revealed. Before we start on this journey together, I would like you to first do a small exercise.

Please close your eyes and place your entire focus in the centre of your Higher Heart-Mind. Let the God spark that is living within it shine brightly; imagine it enveloping you in a beautiful cocoon of golden white light.

Hold this image steady for 10 seconds starting now...

Good. You are now ready to move forward on this journey of truth and higher spiritual understanding.

Let me first start with a shocking statement that was very challenging for this channel to take in, let alone to continue writing this message on my behalf.
God loves ALL of His children equally, beyond measure, and without any exceptions.

You may be wondering why the above statement can be considered as shocking, when it is a widely known fact that our God, our Creator, is a loving God. It is shocking for this channel because she intuitively knew the potentially controversial direction of where I am going with this message.

Let me use as an example, the soul who was once incarnate on Earth as a man named Adolf Hitler. (Permission has been granted by Hitler's Higher Self for me to reveal certain facts about his evolutionary journey, to help you all understand the higher concept you are remembering today).  

What would your first reaction be, if I tell you truthfully, that God loved Hitler too? That Hitler was never punished in the fires of hell (the concept of hell was once created by men of religion to make humanity fear God) and, that he was instead given the chance to reincarnate in many different lives after his most infamous one. The majority of you would have perhaps likened him as the devil incarnate for the atrocious deeds and crimes he had committed against Humanity.
I have no doubt that many of you will be angry, mad or confused at the kind of God who could, not only forgive Hitler, but also continue to love him as well. You will perhaps start to wonder whether all of Hitler's war atrocities had gone unnoticed by God and by all of us here in the higher dimensional realms. Nothing could be further than the truth.

Let me start at the very beginning. When a soul is first created, he/she is created in the very likeness of God. I am not talking about a physical likeness here. Each soul was created into being, with all the powerful and wonderful attributes of God.
This soul is then given free will to do whatever it wishes, with the gift of life that God has given it.

In the higher dimensional realms, All is Love. All is Unity. All is Peace and Harmony. Eventually, not long after each soul was born, all of you long to experience yourself as the Love that you truly are. Now how would you be able to experience that by staying in heaven - in the higher dimensions where there is nothing else but love? How would you truly 'know' and 'experience' yourself as Love if there is nothing else but Love. The opposite of Love has to first exist for you to be able to know yourself as Love, experientially. 
Henceforth God created many physical planets in the lower dimension of consciousness. Each adventurous soul must first forget who they truly are, prior to being born into such a planet (like your very own, previously third-dimensional Earth). Each lifetime on Earth you came armed with a plan to, eventually, return to the Light and Love of your Higher Self.

You, my dear adventurous friend, are able to choose whatever role you wish to play whilst incarnate on Earth. You can choose to play the role of the Dark, or the role of one living in the Light. You can choose to be the 'good guy' or the 'bad guy'. You can choose for yourself the lessons you are meant to learn from each lifetime, and how these will help you overall, grow and evolve as a spirit.

You then teamed up with countless other souls and created life contracts/promises to one day meet and help each other grow and fulfill the higher purpose you came here to do. Your entire life has been intricately planned and there are zero coincidences. There are no accidental deaths. You always decide, at a Higher level, the time and circumstances of the death of your physical bodies.
At the end of each lifetime, after you return to the spirit realm, you will all undergo a 'life review' process, where we (your Higher Self, your team of guides and a panel of highly-evolved Light Beings) will examine each and every moment of your life and how your words, thoughts and actions affected the people and world around you. Keep in mind that there is no judgment in this process.

Whatever karma you may have created from the lifetime you just completed, we will then plan to help you clear this karma in the next life you will be born into, by creating circumstances that will enable you to repay the souls whom you have hurt in the previous life. For the physical Universe is all about balance. What you give to others you give to yourself. What you do to others you do to yourself. For we are all ONE; there is no separation between you and I and All That Is.  

Let us now go back to the case of Hitler. He had chosen pre-birth, at a Higher Level, to play the role of the Dark. Please understand that playing such a role is very challenging for the soul choosing it, as there is a real, inherent danger that he may be lost in the Dark forever - unable to return to the Love and Light of God and His Higher Self.
This particular soul, in the lifetime when he played the part of Hitler, had chosen to experience itself as the polar opposite of Love. He had deliberately chosen (in collaboration with other souls who are in similar phases of evolution) to be your planet's most infamous symbol of racial discrimination, hatred, prejudice and cruelty. By playing the part of the leader of Nazi Germany, he had also created the platform that enabled millions of other souls to play the role of the Light.

One of your wisest men Shakespeare, truly got it right. 'All the world's a stage'.

All of you are playing a role, on a bigger stage called Planet Earth, that best suits your own individual, spiritual growth; your own evolution. Absolutely no one has the right to judge or condemn the actions another person has taken, without first living that person's life and without first understanding fully that person's higher purpose. Especially when God Himself/Herself never judges nor condemns.

Remember that our God is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. God is ever present, all knowing and all powerful. God is the Supreme Creator. The All That Is. Nothing is ever beyond God's control.
It means that when something like WW1 & WW2 occurred, they occurred because the human collective, had supraconsciously decided to undergo such an experience. Everyone who chose to be born during this wartime period, had agreed to either 'play' the role of the Dark or the Light to advance their own spiritual journey.

NO ONE IS EVER A VICTIM. Nothing happens to someone without the Higher Agreement of all the souls involved in that situation. 

Now that does not mean you can then take the following passive viewpoint of 'if that is the case, in the future if I were to see a living being going through pain/suffering, I do not need to render any assistance because what they are experiencing are their own choices, their own Higher Paths and none of my business'.

To this I would say: 'Every action or inaction that you take (or not take) in every single moment of your incarnation on Earth, defines who you are'.
You get to decide who you are, through the life experiences you daily go through. You get to decide if you are a kind, caring and loving person. And you get to decide to be someone who is the complete opposite: uncaring, selfish, cruel and totally oblivious to the needs of others. The freedom to 'be, have and do' whatever you want in your life journey, is yours to have, always. We have no judgment. All are free to decide their own paths.

Now let me finalize this by sharing the following important message for all of you lightworkers reading this.

As the waves of higher dimensional light continue to bombard Planet Earth daily, more and more previously hidden atrocities will be uncovered. The true history of humanity will be disclosed. There will come a time when everyone finally finds out what has been done to them by the very people they had trusted and elected into high positions of public service. ALL will be revealed and when that happens, there will be intense feelings of anger, rage, disappointment, betrayal released into the atmosphere.
This is an integral phase of the Ascension process. All that is hidden must be released out into the open for deep healing to finally occur on a planetary level.

At that time, all of you, my beloved powerful lightworkers, will be called to be the voice of reason, the voice of Love, the anchor of a Higher Dimensional way of being: the way of LOVE. You must then constantly 'tune in' to the vibrations of Calm and Peace in your meditations and in your way of being, and project/send that out into the world so that Humanity's path into the fifth dimension is one with the least amount of chaos and upheavals.

Send Light and Love to the souls currently playing the roles of the Darks at this great moment in time. Understand that they had chosen to play these roles to also assist in the great awakening; the Ascension of Gaia and humanity. These souls, just like yourself, are all children of our God; equally loved and precious to Him.

Embrace, forgive and welcome them in the spirit of Unity and Love.

Guide them so that one day, they can find their own way back HOME.
Remembering that once upon a time, you yourself had also played these Dark roles but have now chosen to return to the Love and Light of your Higher Selves.

I am walking with you, every step of the way. You are never alone.

Sending much love & light your way.

Your brother in Light,

Channeled by Adele Arini. Copyright 2018. If you re-post, please retain article in its entirety, and provide the link below. Much love & gratitude. https://www.raphaelshealingspace.com.au


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