SCIO Quantum biofeedback therypy      

Modern medicine has been successfully measuring the body’s electric activity for a long while now; using ECG, EEG, EMG the heart, the cerebral cortex and the skeletal muscles are no more secrets for us. The biofeedback diagnostics are based on the same principles, but in this case not only the device is doing the work, but  we are.


Biofeedback is a mind-body process that teaches people to recognize physical signs and symptoms of stress, anxiety etc via visual or auditory feedback.

During biofeedback training electrical sensors are placed on the skin to measure the stress signals;this can mean the change of heart rate, muscle tension, or of body temperature. The measurements provide feedback on how the body reacts to certain stimuli.

The training improves the body’s own self-healing processes and thus they are free from side effects.This complementary medicine is the result of biophysics and information technology, the magnetic and electric stimuli partly exercise their effects, even if we don’t believe in them.


The biofeedback devices provide a quick, drug-free solution to many problems, which are considered endemic nowadays.

They can be effective in the following cases:

Detection and reduction of stress.

Training of muscle weakness, strengthening and rehabilitation of the muscles after an injury

Pain relief

The stress, various muscle injuries and pains cause numerous other problems in different organs, however the device can provide an effective solution also in the cases of problems originating from stress or muscle injuries.